
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We are in the middle of a cold snap here in southern Massachusetts, but we managed to make a little bit of fun over the long weekend inside:
Sorry about the blurry picture; toasting marshmallows in the fireplace makes for some uncontainable excitement, and standing still is much too much to ask. 


  1. Congrats on a new blog! I'm here from House Unseen; I saw your comment on her excellent blogging tips post. Your s'mores made me grin...such good childhood memories. Get any melted marshmallow on the rug? I put my own winter fire to a second use recently in BBQing a steak - right in the livingroom! A regular stainless cooling rack for baking made a fine grill propped over a bed of coals, and it all turned out great. Playing with fire is so fun...

    Enjoy your blog!

    1. Thank you so much! I do have some suspicious sticky patches on the floor, but honestly, that could be any number of scary things. And wow, a steak would be an adventure. One of my favorite childhood memories is from Christmas Eve - we would always grill marinated steak kebabs over the fire after church. Such a treat. I'll try your method too. I think my husband will enjoy feeling like a caveman. : )


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