
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yarn Along No. 2

So, last week I went on and on about how the pattern for the baby sweater I was working on was so simple, so easy, it was one of the first things I ever knit.  Well, since then, I have goofed up the yoking around the neck four times and had to start over.  Four times.  I am not much farther along than I was last week, even though I have been knitting almost constantly.  And it's completely my fault!  I keep trying to knit on a crowded train or at night while totally exhausted, instead of just setting aside some quiet time to get back in my sweater-knitting groove.  I have also forgotten everything I ever knew about unknitting and fixing mistakes, which I need to re-learn stat.  So frustrating.  But on a happier note:

I blocked the second Norwegian Star hat!  Unfortunately, it is way too big - I wish I had done some ribbing along the edges or something, so it wouldn't be so loose and wavy, but I suppose they can get a couple of years of wear out of these.

I'm still reading Wolf Hall (love!), and I'm re-reading Scott Hahn's Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots.  I read it before, but a refresher never hurts!  Its 40 short chapters line up nicely with Lent, so I'm aiming for a chapter a day.  Hahn's writing style isn't my favorite (is that heresy?  Maybe.) but his books are always full of wonderful, accessible information.  Good stuff. 

Go see Ginny at Small Things for more!




  1. Oh, there are some really cute DIMPLES in those pictures of your sweet boys! I love the hats. So glad you can come along with Yarnalong!

  2. Thanks so much! They get away with murder because of those dimples.


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