
Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter Vacation

To the gentleman who refused to give up his aisle seat so the baby and I could sit across from Jon and the two boys: I hope the extra leg room was worth it.  I really do.  And I'm sorry about having to pass puke bags, poopy babies, and goldfish crackers across your relaxed self every 8 minutes or so.  Truly I am.

BUT - the trip was worth it.  Thanks to the generosity of my wonderful in-laws we spent five days in the southern California sunshine.  I loved it all. There's almost nothing more boring than other people's vacation photos (except for Mary's!  Rome!) but this one needs to be shared:

I have always said that I would never take my kids to Disney.  No, MY children would vacation in Italy and Bhutan, Namibia and Finland. And they would LOVE IT.  And yet - one day at a theme park seemed a small sacrifice for the absolute joy it gave those boys.  A whole world designed just for them. 

Plus I hear the flights to Bhutan are pretty long. 
Look how pale!  But sunshine!  Succulents!  California, I get it.  I do.